
At the beginning

This Terms of Use is to establish the terms and conditions for the use of the services (hereinafter referred to as 'the Service') provided by me, nkita, on this website. Users (hereinafter referred to as 'Users') are free to use the Service, whether as individuals, corporations, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Prohibited matters

Users must not engage in the following activities when using the Service
  • Acts that violate laws or public morals
  • Acts related to criminal activities
  • Acts that infringe upon copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights contained in the content of the Service.
  • Actions that may interfere with the operation of the author's service
  • Unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access
  • Collecting or storing personal information of other users
  • Acts of using the Service for illegitimate purposes
  • Actions that cause harm, damage, or discomfort to other users of the Service or third parties
  • Advertising, promotion, solicitation, or business activities on the Service without the author's permission
  • Actions that directly or indirectly benefit antisocial forces in relation to the author's service
  • Any other actions deemed inappropriate by the author

Changes to the service content

The author reserves the right to change, add, or discontinue the content of this service without prior notice to users, and users agree to this.

Changes to the terms of use

The author reserves the right to change the terms of use without requiring individual consent from users.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability

  • The author does not expressly or implicitly guarantee that the service is free from any defects, whether factual or legal (including defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for a particular purpose, security, errors, bugs, infringement of rights, etc.).
  • The author shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users due to the service.
  • The author shall not be liable for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc., between users and other users or third parties related to the service.